Golden Pothos
Scientific Name
Epipremnum aureum
Pothos, Golden Pothos, Devil's Vine, Devil's Ivy
Origins / Hardiness Zones
South Pacific / 10-12 USDA
Fast growing and easy going, Pothos are one of the most popular houseplants around. Pothos vines do not cling to trellises and supports on their own (like ivy might), but they can be trained onto supports to give the appearance of twining. As indoor plants, it is common to see pothos specimens grow to 30 feet long, though most are kept at a much shorter, neater length.
Light Needs
Water Schedule

Humidity Levels


Pothos plants like humidity between 40-60+%. You can increase humidity around the plant by keeping it in a typically humid area of the home, such as a kitchen or bathroom. Still, the plant is very tolerant and can thrive even in low humidity environments, so there's no need to invest in a humidifier.
Pothos are mildly toxic to pets and humans. Ingestion will cause mouth and stomach irritation and possible vomiting.
Pothos likes sun or shade, but you need to watch if it's in too much of either one. When grown indoors, pothos prefers bright but indirect light. Variegated plants sometimes lose their leaf pattern and revert to all-green foliage if they don't receive enough light. Moving them to brighter conditions usually restores the variegation. Suddenly pale-looking leaves mean the plant is receiving too much sun.
A pothos plant likes to have its soil dry out completely between waterings. If left in continually damp soil, the plant's roots will rot. Black spots on the leaves (or the sudden collapse of the plant) indicate that the soil has been kept too wet. The plant will indicate when it needs water. When it starts to droop, it needs water.
Pothos should be kept in temperatures that are consistently above 50°F, though they most appreciate a common room temperature that hovers between 65°F - 75°F.
Pothos is usually pest-free. However, the plant can occasionally become infested with mealybugs. A simple insecticidal soap controls the pests, but the easiest method is to simply dab the insects with an alcohol-soaked cotton swab.
All you need to propagate a Pothos is a piece of stem with a node or aerial root. This is particularly easy to spot since it's a brown knob or full on wiggly root sticking out along the green stem. Try to cut just below this node and remove the lower leaves to ensure a clear stem before rooting. This cutting will grow roots directly in water and in just a few weeks! Once the roots are a couple inches long, you can pot up as you would with any plant.
Eventually, your pothos will become pot-bound. When the leaves droop, no matter how much or how often you water them, drooping is a sure sign that roots have probably filled the pot and there is no room to grow. Carefully lift the plant out of its pot and check to see if this is the problem. You might be able to see roots growing out of the drainage holes. When the plant has reached this stage, you can re-pot it into a container that is one or two sizes larger in diameter and depth and filled with fresh potting soil.
Pothos plants are not heavy feeders. But because there are typically no nutrients in most potting soils, you can feed the plant bi-monthly except when dormant in Winter with any balanced houseplant fertilizer to increase nutrition.
Leaves turning brown just on the edges or tips - These edges may gradually change from yellow to brown, crispy, and possibly a bit curled. Browning just on the edges of tips is usually a reaction to low humidity.
Multiple leaves are wilting and turning yellow—particularly the older, lower leaves. You may also notice stunted growth and mushy stems. The most likely culprit is overwatering and initial signs of root rot.
Pothos vine looking "leggy"? You probably have it in a low-light condition. You can propagate the vine and repot it back in the pot for a bushier look.
This mighty little plant has been known to lightly damage walls with their aerial roots when attempting to climb! Best to give this plant a trellis or moss pole to latch on to instead of risking your walls.


Pests / Diseases

Common Problems

