Nerve Plant
Scientific Name
Fittonia albivenis
Mosaic Plant, Fittonia, Painted Net Leaf
Origins / Hardiness Zones
South America / 11 USDA
Bright green leaves are strongly contrasted by veins in brilliant white, pink, or red that creates the look of an intricate mosaic or a depiction of the nervous system.
Light Needs
Water Schedule

Humidity Levels


Thrives in higher humidity—try to provide additional moisture by grouping your Fittonia with other humidity lovers or placing in a humid spot, like the kitchen or bathroom. Of course, a humidifier will be your best bet for guaranteed humidity.
A non-toxic plant pal! You can introduce this plant to your whole family, pets and children included.
Medium to bright, indirect light is ideal for the Fittonia. However, they can tolerate low light, as well. Just take extra precautions when watering and don't expect the plant to grow very much.
This plant prefers to stay fairly moist, but not sopping wet. Check the soil frequently in summer to determine if it's starting to dry out. In winter, you can be a little more lax, allowing the top inch or so to dry out before watering again.
Fittonia enjoy the balmy warmth of the tropics, preferably between 65-85°F. Definitely avoid cold drafts and sudden temperature changes.
Since Nerve Plants grow in dense clumps, you can always divide these into multiple plants when repotting. If you'd like to propagate without dividing your plant, you can also try a stem cutting. You'll need to take an apical stem cutting (the top of the stem where there is new growth). Try to cut a decent section with 3-5 leaves and cut just below the lowest leaf. Remove the lower leaves to ensure a clear stem before rooting in water or another medium.
Try to repot every 2-3 years in the spring, especially when tending to a younger plant. Increase the pot size by about 2 inches each time. Once mature and becoming unwieldly to maneuver—you can reduce your repotting frequency and switch to a routine of refreshing just the top few inches of soil.
If you're not already planning to repot, you can fertilize during the spring and summer months. Once to every two months should be plenty. No fertilizer is necessary during the winter when plant growth naturally slows down. You can try a balanced liquid or water-soluble fertilizer—always diluted more than the recommended strength.
A bit finicky about humidity and temperatures, this plant will thrive and look fantastic as a ground cover in a terrarium.


Pests / Diseases

Common Problems

