Scientific Name
Pilea peperomioides
Chinese Money Plant, UFO Plant, Friendship Plant
Origins / Hardiness Zones
This perky little plant is a delight for both their cute round leaves and a penchant for producing plantlets (pups) that are easily propagated—the reason they're also known as the "friendship plant".
Light Needs
Water Schedule

Humidity Levels


Pilea enjoy humidity levels of 50 to 75%. Low humidity tends to create brown patches on the tips of plants or side of leaves. Increase the humidity by spritzing the plant several times a week with water or place the plant on a gravel tray filled with water.
Generally considered pet safe, but can cause vomiting or nausea if consumed in huge quantities.
Pilea peperomioides thrives in medium to bright indirect light. Rotate your plant regularly to keep it looking symmetrical. Avoid locations that receive harsh, direct light as it will burn the delicate leaves.
While this plant can adapt to lower light conditions; it will become leggy, grow fewer offshoots, and the coin-shaped leaves may become smaller. Overall, this plant is healthiest and most attractive when grown in bright light conditions.
Always water thoroughly, but allow the top inch or two to dry out completely before watering again. A droopy Pilea can be a sign that they are need of water, but always check the soil first. And take extra care in winter to avoid overwatering.
The average household temperature and humidity are fine for the Pilea peperomioides. Where possible, avoid overly dry conditions, which usually means keeping the plant away from vents.
The pancake is hardy to freezing temperatures, but when kept indoors avoid exposing it to temperatures below 50°F. However, a short period of cold exposure in the winter months may help to encourage blooming.
Pilea peperomioides is not prone to any particular pests or diseases, but when grown indoors it is susceptible to a variety of common houseplant pests. Keep an eye out for mealybugs, scale, fungus gnats, and spider mites, and treat accordingly if you notice an infestation.
Pilea practically propagate themselves! You’ll see little mini Pilea offsets, or pups, popping up from the soil near the base of the parent plant. You’ll want to wait until the pup is at least a few inches in length. Dig under and around a little bit and cut the pup out from the soil, making sure to get some roots. You can then place the pup in water to develop stronger roots or pot up right away if the root system is complex enough.
When properly cared for a Pilea peperomioides is fast-growing and can quickly fill its pot with roots and offshoots. Yearly repotting in the early spring or summer months to refresh the soil, remove offshoots (if you wish), and upgrade the pot size is recommended.
When choosing a pot for your pancake plant the most important thing to take into consideration is proper drainage. In short, ensure that the pot has a drainage hole!
The Pilea peperomioides benefits from monthly fertilization in the spring and summer months. Use a balanced, all-purpose fertilizer for best results. Avoid fertilizing during the fall and winter months when the plant has gone into dormancy.
Pilea is typically a fast-growing, easy-to-grow plant that is ideal for growers who don't have the time or interest in babying temperamental houseplants. Cultural problems with this plant usually can be traced to deficits in light exposure or an irregular watering routine. These problems usually manifest as leaf problems.
Pilea are known to lean toward the sun—leading to lopsided growth, so do try to provide even, consistent light year-round and give your plant a little turn every few waterings to promote well-balanced growth.


Pests / Diseases

Common Problems

