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Our houseplants are sourced from nurseries and small-scale growers who hold the same values as we do—taking care in and of the process from seedlings to beautiful houseplants. We support small independent growers focused on limiting their environmental impact, organically and sustainably. We are not a big-box store or commercial operation and we pride ourselves on individually nurturing every plant, every step of the way.
Draceana 'Janet Craig'
4" Pot
Peperomia 'Napoli Nights'
4" Pot
Hoya Carnosa ‘Krimson Queen’
4" Pot
Snake Plant 'Laurentii'
4" Pot
Ficus Lyrata - Fiddle Leaf Fig
4" Pot
Pothos - Golden
4" Pot
Snake Plant 'Zeylanica'
4" Pot
Monstera Minima
4" Pot
Zamioculcas Zamiifolia - ZZ Plant
4" Pot
Spider Reverse - Variegated Spider Plant
4" Pot
Snake Plant 'Zeylanica'
6" Pot
Fern Nidus - Bird's Nest Fern
6" Pot
Ficus Lyrata - Fiddle Leaf Fig
6" Pot
Ficus 'Ruby Pink'
6" Pot
Monstera Deliciosa - Swiss Cheese Plant
6" Pot
Monstera Deliciosa - Swiss Cheese Plant
6" Pot
Ficus 'Burgundy'
6" Pot
Snake Plant 'Laurentii'
6" Pot
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